“You are either going for your dreams or giving up your dreams.” –Jeff Olson and John David Mann, The Slight Edge
Why face fear?
It’s all too easy to do nothing in the face of fear. Obstacles hold us back from achieving our dreams. Which is worse? Inaction? –or facing fear and acting in spite of it?
Inaction debilitates us, robbing us of our dreams.
We must face and overcome fear to reach our dreams. It’s part of the journey.
Facing fear helps us overcome obstacles.
Hardship is real. Life’s not meant to always be easy. As lifting heavy weights build muscle, facing fear and taking action builds character. As the bodybuilder gets stronger, the overcomer of fear gains ability to face greater fears and moves ever closer to accomplishing his or her dreams.
We can even learn to ENJOY THE JOURNEY, in spite of fear.
It’s exhilarating being past the obstacle that caused fear. There’s satisfaction in knowing we’re heading for our goal, instead of settling for defeat. With our experience, we can help others overcome their fears. Isn’t that worth it?
How are YOU overcoming fear?
If you’re having success with overcoming fear, would you share your experience? Leave a comment.
The one way I have conquered many of my fears (which usually involves people) is to reflect on Jesus dying on the cross for me. If Jesus can go through that for us I think I can press through this fear and accomplish the goal set before me with all glory and honor to God!
Thanks for sharing that, Deb. His example was off the charts.