Loss of Oneness

The story of Adam and Eve shows us two states.  One before they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and another after.

In the later state, Adam and Eve:

  1. Knew they were naked.
  2. Made themselves fig leaf loincloths.
  3. Hid themselves from the presence of I Am.
  4. Were afraid because of their nakedness.  (The fig leaf loincloths didn’t dissipate their fear.)
  5. They blamed.  Adam blamed I Am, and Eve blamed the serpent.

From these we can deduce that in the former state they:

  1. Had no awareness of nakedness.
  2. Had no need of clothing.
  3. Walked openly in I Am’s presence
  4. Had no fear.
  5. Had no need to blame.

The first state was one of non-separation.  There was nothing to separate them from I Am’s moment-by-moment presence.  They had life, being able to eat freely of every tree except one in the garden, including the tree of life in the midst (center) of the garden.  In this state of non-separation, Adam and Eve had life.  In it they had oneness with I Am.  They had no need to become like God, because they already were.

The serpent offered them an alternative to become “like God.”  By eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would become separate selves, not one with I Am, but alienated from him.  They would have to be be their own gods, ruling their own of lives apart from I Am in whose image they were created.

In this second state they knew they were naked.  Their very separation from I Am left them helpless, vulnerable, and seemingly on their own.  They covered themselves and felt the need to hide from I Am due to their guilt and shame.  As new god-selves they saw I Am as other and feared her.  They were now in the state of dying.

